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RCAH LookOut Gallery: Monday–Friday, 12pm–4:30pm
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor, 362 Bogue Street, East Lansing, Michigan, 48825
(SCENE) Metrospace: Thursday–Sunday, 12pm–5pm
110 Charles Street, East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Accessibility Resources
As we commence the events, we hope to crip these spaces, opening room for many paces of moving and being in the world. Cripping is a process that involves reclaiming a place as one where bodymind variance is celebrated and supported. We recognize there are many ways for each of us to engage and be present with one another.
During this event, do what you need to feel more comfortable: dance, stretch out, stim, slip, stomp, destigmatize the floor, and rest. Leave aisle space for others to roll, crawl, and/or walk through the room. And do whatever you need to feel less pain. That is unless you’re in the mood to feel more pain today, then do what you need to meet that need!
Thank you for joining us in the way that best suits you.
Inside the Lookout Gallery
The LookOut! Gallery is located on the second floor of the Snyder-Phillips building complex. The main entrance doors to Snyder-Phillips hall are double doors and there are two sets of them with a small atrium space in between. There are accessible entrances located on the side of the building by the dining hall. These entrances require the person to place their finger on the sensor in order for the doors to open. The accessible ramps that lead to the elevator are quite steep. The elevator is located on the first floor on both sides of the building. The LookOut! Gallery does not have automatic doors.
- There are no accessible, all-gender restrooms in Snyder-Phillips Hall
- Entrances are barrier-free
- The floor inside the gallery is hardwood. The hallway outside the gallery is carpeted. The entrance and first floor of Snyder-Phillips building complex is tiled, and is steep (on the wheelchair entrance).
- The space has many large windows and is quite bright – roughly 50% window and 50% wall
- We want to remind you that just around the corner from LookOut! there’s a sensory-friendly space. In that space, Art as Medicine has the following materials if they would help shape your engagement with these works, including fidget toys, coloring pages, chairs, weighted blankets, soft lighting, and ear plugs.
- To find the designated sensory-friendly space, turn right when exiting the gallery. Follow the hallway until you see a door propped open on the right-hand side.
- If you would like to view a virtual tour of the LookOut Gallery space, click on this link:

Inside (SCENE) Metrospace
(SCENE) Metrospace does not have automatic doors. However, there will be event staff near the entrance who can help to open the doors if needed. Once inside, the exhibit is handicap accessible. There are level hardwood floors throughout the exhibit, and the event is entirely located on the ground floor. There is a concrete ramp that leads up to the main entrance from the sidewalk.
- There is an accessible bathroom in Metrospace. It is located in the back of the exhibit, down the hallway.
- The floor is hardwood throughout the gallery and tiled in the entrance way.
- The space has large windows at the front and is quite bright – roughly 25% window and 75% wall
How to get to the LookOut! Gallery
Address: Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor. 362 Bogue Street, East Lansing MI 48825
- Bus Routes
- The nearest CATA bus stop is located at EBD Grand River Ave past Division St
- Buses that stop here: 20
- The nearest CATA bus stop is located at EBD Grand River Ave past Division St
- Walking
- The Lookout Gallery is located on the west side of Bogue St, north of the Red Cedar River
- The nearest crosswalk is located at the intersection of Collingwood Dr/Farm Ln and Grand River
- This crosswalk consists of two sections because of two-way, three lane traffic. There is a median with a sidewalk located halfway between the crosswalk.
- There is audio at this crosswalk for attendees who are visually impaired.
- The nearest crosswalk is located at the intersection of Collingwood Dr/Farm Ln and Grand River
- The Lookout Gallery is located on the west side of Bogue St, north of the Red Cedar River
- Driving
- The nearest accessible parking lot is in front of Abbot Hall which is lot 18. This lot has ramps to get into Synder-Phillips and has close access to the elevator to take people up to the LookOut Gallery. There is additional parking in lot 1 and lot 9 after 6pm, and metered parking on auditorium road in front of the chapel.
- Biking
- The nearest bike racks are located by the Snyder-Phillips building on both the Snyder and Phillips sides.
Once you’ve reached Snyder Phillips Hall:
- Take the accessible entrance near the large red and black statue.
- Go to the back of that hallway where a large dining hall, Gallery, will be on your right.
- Take the elevator in front of you to the second floor.
- Turn right to find the Lookout Gallery on your right and our conference on the left.
If you enter from Phillips hall near the parking lot and go up the stairs:
- Go straight through a series of doors until you hit the dining hall, The Gallery. There will be an elevator on your left.
- Take the elevator to the second floor and turn left out of the elevator.
- Lookout Gallery will be on the right and our conference space on the left.
How to get to the (SCENE) Metrospace
- Address
- (SCENE) Metrospace is located at 110 Charles St, East Lansing, MI 48823
- Bus Routes
- The nearest CATA bus stop is located at:
- Northwest of Phillips Hall on NBD Physics Rd before Dormitory Rd
- Buses that stop here:
- 31
- Ride the 31 one stop until stop #1657, WBD Grand River Ave before Division. A one-way CATA bus fare is $1.25. For MSU students, bus 31 is free of charge.
- To get from the CATA bus stop to the [SCENE] Metrospace gallery, turn onto Charles Street off of Grand River Avenue. The gallery will be on the east side of the street, next to Georgio’s Pizza.
- The nearest CATA bus stop is located at:
- Walking
- (SCENE) Metrospace is by the corner of Albert St and Charles St
- The nearest crosswalk is located at the intersection of Grand River Avenue and Charles Street.
- This crosswalk consists of two sections because of two-way, three lane traffic. There is a median with a sidewalk located halfway between the crosswalk.
- There is NO audio at this crosswalk or a cross sign.
- For attendees who are visually or hard of hearing, there is a more accessible crosswalk at the Grand River Ave. and Division St. intersection that has both audio and a cross sign.
- Once you reach Charles St., the gallery will be on the east side of the street, next to Georgio’s Pizza.
- The nearest crosswalk is located at the intersection of Grand River Avenue and Charles Street.
- (SCENE) Metrospace is by the corner of Albert St and Charles St
- Driving
- The nearest accessible parking to [SCENE] Metrospace is in the Division Street Garage.
- The best way to get to this parking garage is by turning onto Division St. off of East Grand River Ave. There are accessible parking spots on all levels of the parking garage.
- This is a PAID parking lot that charges $1.50 per hour, or $0.75 per 30 minutes. There are pay stations that accept cash available within the parking structure, as well as pay stations that accept credit cards located at the entrance/exit of the lot.
- For more information on parking lots within downtown East Lansing, access this link:
- After Parking, begin walking west on Albert St. You will then turn left onto Charles St. The gallery will be on your left, next to Georgio’s Pizza.
- The nearest accessible parking to [SCENE] Metrospace is in the Division Street Garage.
- Biking
- The nearest bike rack to the [SCENE] Metrospace gallery is located in front of the Starbucks on the corner of Charles St. and Grand River Ave. If this bike rack is full, there is another bike rack located to the east of the Albert St. and Charles St intersection.
- To reach the gallery, turn onto Charles St. The gallery will be on the east side of the street, next to Georgio’s Pizza.
- The Metrospace gallery does NOT have automatic doors. However, there will be event staff near the entrance who can help to open the doors if needed. Once inside, the exhibit is handicap accessible. There are level hardwood floors throughout the exhibit, and the event is entirely located on the ground floor.
How to get to (SCENE) Metrospace from Lookout Gallery
Address: (SCENE) Metrospace Address: 110 Charles St, East Lansing, MI 48823 (On the corner of Charles St. and Albert St)
- Drive
The closet paid accessible parking with no time limit is available in Division St. Garage (199 Division St, East Lansing MI 48823) and Charles St. Garage (121 Charles St, East Lansing MI 48823)
There is also limited availability, free, accessible 30-minute parking in the CVS Garage (310 Albert St, East Lansing MI 48823)
- Bus
Weekdays: 31 Brody Complex- via Grand River CATA Bus is free and wheelchair accessible. The bus runs approximately every 10 minutes during exhibition hours. Turn left out of the LookOut Gallery of Snyder-Phillips Hall. Board 31 CATA bus at Nbd Physics before Dormitory Rd. Exit 31 CATA bus at Wbd. Gr. River Ave Before Division (1 stop later). Head west on E Grand River Ave toward Division St. Turn right on Division St. Turn left onto Albert St. Destination will be on the left.
Weekends: 34 Brody Complex- University Village CATA Bus is free and wheelchair accessible. The bus runs approximately every 30 minutes during exhibition hours. Turn left out of the LookOut Gallery of Snyder-Phillips Hall. Board 34 CATA bus at Nbd Physics before Dormitory Rd. Exit 34 CATA bus at Wbd Gr River Ave Before Division (1 stop later). Head west on E Grand River Ave toward Division St. Turn right on Division St. Turn left onto Albert St. Destination will be on the left.
- Walk
Turn left toward Physics Rd. Take a slight right toward Physics Rd. Turn left toward Physics Rd. Turn right onto Physics Rd. Take a slight right toward E Grand River Ave. Take a slight left at Farm Ln. Turn right toward E Grand River Ave and then take another right toward E Grand River Ave. Take a left onto E Grand River Ave. Take a right onto Bailey St. Take a left onto Albert St. Destination will be on the left.
- Bike
Head west and turn left toward physics rd. Take a slight right toward physics road, then turn left towards physics rd. Turn right onto Physics Rd. Turn right onto Farm Ln. Continue onto Collingwood Dr. Turn left onto Albert St. Metrospace will be on your left.
How to get to Lookout Gallery from from (SCENE) Metrospace
Metrospace/LookOut Accessiblity Information
LookOut! Gallery Address: LookOut! Gallery, Snyder-Phillips Hall, Second Floor. 362 Bogue Street, East Lansing MI 48825.
- Drive
Head east on Albert St toward Division St. Turn right at the first cross street onto Division St. Turn left onto E Grand River Ave. Turn right onto Bogue St. Turn right onto Auditorium Road. Take a right and then immediately take a left into the parking lot. Destination will be on your left.
- Bus
Closest Bus stop is at EBD Gr. River Ave Past Division St. Get on Bus 1 which arrives every 30 minutes on both weekdays and weekends. Ride Bus 1 for 2 stops before departing at EBD Grand River Ave past Bogue St. Walk and turn left onto Bogue St. Take a slight right and the destination will be on your right.
- Walk
Head East on Albert St toward Division St. Turn right onto Bailey St. Take a left toward Collingwood Dr. Take a right onto Collingwood Dr. Turn left onto E Grand River Ave. Take a right. Take a slight left. Take a slight right and the destination will be on your right.
- Bike
Head west on Albert St toward Charles St. Turn left onto Charles St. Take a left. Turn right onto Durand St. Turn right towards Bogue St. Turn right onto Bogue St. Make a U-turn. Turn right and then immediately take another right. Densistation will be on your right.